Dappled Light & Shade Plants
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Afrocarpus gracilior - Podocarpus- African Fern Pine - Buddhist Pine
The PODOCARPUS plant has its origins in mountainous areas of south and southeast African equatorial regions. It is a slow-growing coniferous tree which reaches heights of 60 feet or more in its natural habitat. It is distinguished by its medium green, needle-like leaves and weeping growth habit. This is an excellent plant for interiorscapers and homeowners alike. Its lush growth and almost artificial-looking leaves add grace and charm to many locations.
LIGHT: A. gracilior will tolerate light as low as 100 footcandles, but prefers bright, filtered light in the 250-500 footcandle range.
TEMPERATURE: This plant will grow satisfactorily in temperatures between 65° and 75°F but will be just as happy in temperatures as low as 50°F. Growth will be slowed at temperatures below that.
WATER: This plant is a heavy water user. It should never be allowed to dry to a wilt as it may not recover. Water when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. Feed sparingly with a general purpose plant food.
Because this plant dislikes frequent repotting, every year or two remove the top few inches of soil yearly and replace with fresh mix.
AGLAONEMA aka Chinese Evergreen
An Aglaonema features long spear-like leaves and comes in more than a hundred varieties both natural and hybrid, the examples above are only a few of the more common and readily available. We hope to be able to offer some of the pink or red varieties in the not too distant future. It is considered a very hardy houseplant. They are a good choice for an area that is poorly lit although the varieties with white or yellow variegation need a bit more light. This plant is often listed in the top ten plants that are easiest to grow and most durable. It is favored by interiorscapers, florists and home growers. Aglaonemas are slow growing plants which don't need feeding or repotting very often. You can propagate by potting up the basal shoots with a few leaves and some roots.
TEMPERATURE: They do not like smoky air or cold drafts. Keep them warm in the summer and a minimum of 60 degrees in the winter. **New Info: There are three varieties that, according to recent studies, can sustain temperatures as low as 35 for short durations. They are: 'Emerald Star', 'Star of India' and 'Jewel of India'.
WATER: Water moderately when the surface of the soil feels dry. In cooler temperatures, back off slightly with waterings. Providing good drainage is a must! Also Aglaonemas like humidity so misting the plant is beneficial.
LIGHT: Keep away from direct light. A shaded location is best for most varieties.
The pests that would bother Aglaonemas are mealy bugs, which can be found at the base of the leaves, and/or red spider mites, especially if it's in too bright of a location.
If the leaf edges turn brown it could be from the air being too cool or from being exposed to cold drafts.
This plant is readily available in 6", 8" and 10" pot sizes.
AGLAONEMA brevispathum hospitum
Brevispathum is a rare aglaonema with origins in Thailand. It makes a very durable houseplant. It has long, glossy, dark green spear-shaped leaves with white to cream-colored spots.
This is a very slow-growing plant which means it can stay in the same pot for years. It never needs pruning. While on the spendy side, this plant will outlive several less durable plants.
LIGHT: It prefers low to medium light and should be protected from direct sunlight.
WATER: Water sparingly once a week or when soil begins to feel dry to the touch. Do not allow the plants to stand in water.
TEMPERATURES: Average household temperatures are fine. Remember to water less in cooler seasons.
This plant is most often available in 6" pots
Algerian Ivy
Algerian Ivy is one of the most versatile ivies available. It has larger leaves than a typical "English" ivy. It is more drought tolerant, bug resistant, and is more adaptable to warmer temperatures than its "English" counterpart. You will find Algerian ivy in deep green and green and white varigations. They grow well in outdoor summer plantings mixed with annuals. We have grown them in mixed hanging baskets with spider plants with great success.
Its large leaves and reddish stem lend it well to larger topiaries and trellis forms. [We had a 10" green algerian trellis in the office that we torture-tested in very low light levels (20 footcandles). It did very well considering it was watered on average once a month. It even put on new leaves at this light level. ]
LIGHT: This plant thrives in medium to bright light. Even in lower light conditions it can survive and grow. Varigated forms will keep their color if given bright conditions.
TEMPERATURE: This plant grows well in average household temperatures and as high as 90° if shaded. It will survive temperatures as low as 40° if it is not overwatered.
WATER: Keep this plant evenly moist with slight dry-down between waterings. It is important to water carefully in low light and cool environments. Algerian ivy uses less water when cool and dark, as do most plants.
Algerian ivy is usually available in 4" and 6" pots as well as 8" hanging baskets. It is also available at times trellised in 10" pots and occasionally as topiaries.
ANGEL VINE - Muellenbeckia Complexa
Here is an interesting plant native to New Zealand. Angel vine has creeping, twining, wire-like purplish-brown stems, covered with small rounded fresh green leaves. The flowers are greenish-white in small spikes. This is an excellent topiary plant and graceful in hanging baskets.
LIGHT / TEMPERATURE: Angel Vine prefers bright, filtered light and moderate temperatures.
WATER: It doesn't like to dry out and may not recover if allowed to go into a full wilt. In bright locations the Angel Vine may need a drink every other day.
This is a specialty plant that is available during certain holiday seasons. At these times is is grown as a ball or heart-shaped topiary in 5" or 6" pots. On very rare occassions, it may be available in hanging baskets.
Although called an Artillery Fern, this interesting plant is not from the fern family at all. It is a member of the Pilea family. It has light green stems with tiny 1/8" round leaves and does look somewhat fernlike. It gets the name Artillery Fern from the way it ejects it's seeds from the brownish colored seed pods with a pop. An experiment; When the seed pods appear on the stems place the Artillery Fern on a three foot square sheet of white paper and see how far can this plant "fire" it's seeds!
WATER: Artillery plants like a thorough watering after the soil becomes slightly dry. Use tepid water. Regular misting is beneficial provided you have good air circulation. Reduce water during the winter months. Never allow the plant to stand in water.
TEMPERATURE: These plants must be protected from cold drafts, with a minimum temperature of 50 degrees.
LIGHT: They enjoy a medium to bright filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight as this will cause leaves to brown and drop off.
This plant is often available in 3" pots, sometimes also in 4" or 6" terracotta pots.
Bacopa, a spring and summer annual is a favorite among many gardeners. It is grown often in hanging baskets where it blooms profusely and continuously with white, lavendar, yellow, and a growing number of other color flowers, depending on variety. This plant is especially attractive when grown in combination with other annuals like petunia and verbena.
LIGHT: This is a sun-loving plant but will also thrive in slight shade. Privide the brightest location available in the house such as a bright sunroom on the east, south or west side of the house. It will do best outdoors in a bright location.
WATER: Water thoroughly and often while in heaviest growth and hot weather. Fertilize continuously to extend blooming period.
This outdoor plant is seldom available in 10" hanging baskets in mid to late Spring
BLACK JEWEL ORCHID - Ludisia (Haemaria) discolor dawsonia
The Black Jewel Orchid is a terrestrial orchid that is native to Malaya. It is known for its dark, greenish-red, velvety leaves which have copper-red stripes running parallel to the center vein. The non-fragrant flowers usually appear from December through February although some may bloom "off season" as well. The small flowers are born clustered on a spike and can last a month or more. They are about 1/3 inch across and are white with a yellow throat. This plant is listed on the endangered species list and cannot be shipped internationally without a special permit. Interstate shipments do not need a special permit.
LIGHT: This plant thrives in moderately bright light but will also tolerate low light. Place near a bright window but not in direct sun.
TEMPERATURE: Provide average household temperatures between 70° at night to 80° during the day. This plant can tolerate more extreme temperatures but does best in this range. To re-flower your plant, provide two to three weeks of cooler night temperatures from 60° to 64° in August.
WATER: Water when the soil medium is dry. This plant likes to dry out somewhat between waterings. Feed lightly with your regular liquid houseplant fertilizer mixed at 1/4 the recommended rate.
Since this is a terrestrial orchid, it prefers a light, soilless mix such as peat-based potting mix instead of orchid bark potting mix. If a branch or tip breaks off, you may be able to root it by inserting it into this same mix.
This plant is seldom available late winter or early spring in 4" or 6" pots.
This oddity of nature is the stuff of horror movies. Carnivorous plants grow in places that lack nutrients in the soil so they eat insects to provide their nutrients. There are many forms, including Nepenthes (the Pitcher Plant), Venus Fly Trap, Butterwart and many others.They grow in all but the most extreme climates and with a little research you just might be amazed to find that some may grow near where you live!
Contrary to popular belief, these plants do NOT want to eat hamburger or other meat products. One insect will supply enough nutrients to last several weeks.
TEMPERATURE / WATER: Warmth and humidity are key to growing healthy carnivorous plants. Water with rainwater or distilled water. Some growers have better success growing them in a closed container such as an aquarium. This helps keep the humidity high.
LIGHT: Provide moderate light, with no exposure to sun.
Carnivorous plants are specialty plants with limited availability. Nepenthes are grown in 8" hanging baskets and sometimes in 3" or 4" pots. Sundew and Fly Traps are usually grown in 4" pots.You may on rare occasions see assortments of carnivorous plants in bog gardens.
Cissus discolor aka Rex Begonia Vine
Cissus discolor is a colorful, eye-catching plant that looks a lot like a Rex Begonia, however it is actually more closely related to Oak and Grape Ivies. It's deep-green and white-striped leaves with dark back colors create a dramatic contrast with its maroon stem. And it's climbing habit can send it to heights of 10 - 12 feet. It's preference for a shaded environment means it will do well indoors. It is happiest if kept moist and never allowed to dry out. Try one of these for a real conversation piece!
LIGHT: Bright Shade. This amounts to about 1000-1500 foot candles. Keep out of direct sunlight.
WATER: Keep this plant moist, but not soggy. Remember, in lower light environments, plants don't dry out as fast and don't need water as frequently as plants in a sunny spot. Fertilize lightly with a balanced plant food, roughly 1/2 recommended strength with every watering.
TEMPERATURE: Average household temperatures will suit this tropical plant fine. A few degrees cooler at night and during winter will also be beneficial.
This is a relatively rare plant and is available occasionally in 6" pots or possibly in 8" hanging basket
CREEPING FICUS - Ficus pumila aka Creeping Fig or Ficus repens
Creeping Fig is one of the trailing types of ficus, hardly what you think of when you hear the word Ficus. This low-growing plant produces a dense carpet of leaves and is an excellent indoor groundcover. It is also useful for totem poles and topiaries as the stems readily cling to any moist surface. Leaves can be either green or varigated.
TEMPERATURE: Provide average household warmth with a minimum of 55° in the winter.
WATER: This plant likes to be kept moist and will NOT forgive you if you let it dry out. If that happens, it is then a good addition to the compost heap. Water regularly with tepid water in the summer and somewhat less in the winter. Remember to drain any excess. Mist leaves often to increase humidity.
LIGHT: Provide moderately bright light. An east, west window is ideal.
Repot only when necessary.
This plant is often available in 4" pots and 6" or 8" hanging baskets.
Dieffenbachia is a very common houseplant that has many varieties available. Some dieffenbachia have leaves up to 2 feet or more (Tropic Snow). Dieffenbachia have beautiful leaves that vary in color from mostly cream colored with green edges (Camille) to green and cream spotted (Perfection) to green with white stripes (Sterling) plus many many more varieties.
LIGHT: They like to be protected from bright, harsh light in the summer. If they have too much light their leaves will become faded looking. Move to a shadier spot. Provide medium to medium bright light.
WATER: Water when soil is dry to the touch. Be very careful not to overwater this plant. Too much water can cause stem rot. On the other hand if they do not get enough water their leaves will get brown edges. This can also be caused by too cool of an area. In the winter protect them from cool drafts and be extra careful not to over water.
TEMPERATURE: Dieffenbachias like a warmer area. Do not keep below 60 degrees. If a Dieffenbachia develops yellow wilted leaves, the most common reason is too low of a temperature or cold drafts.If your plant becomes gangly and unattractive, cut off the cane leaving about 4 inches above the soil. The stump will sprout and grow a new plant.These plants are redily available in 3", 4", 6", and 8" pot sizes and occasionally there may be a few in 10" pots.
Dischidia pectinoides:This trailing plant is known for its intermittent inflated apple-green leaves. Tiny red buds form along the stems at the base of leaves after which twin horn-like seed pods appear. The Dischidia is best grown in a hanging basket or on a trellis. This plant is usually grown in a very well-draining medium such as coir dust or coconut fiber chips.
Dischidia Million Hearts:This is a darker green plant that grows best as a hanging basket. Small, glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves grow in parellel rows along either side of a gracefully pendant stem. Million Hearts is usually grown in a light, soil-less mix.
WATER: Dischidias are epiphytic, growing on the bark of trees in their native environment. This means they will tolerate a slight drying between waterings. Watering can be every 2-3 days depending on conditions of heat and light.
LIGHT: Give them a brightly lit location but with careful watering they can be grown in partial shade. Feed with a dilute fertilizer regularly during vigorous growth in the summer, and decrease during the winter.
TEMPERATURE: Average household temperature is suitable.
These are specialty plants with limited availability. When available the Pectinoides is grown on a trellis in a 5" pot and the Million Hearts comes in either 6" or 8" hanging baskets.
This new variety of the Dracaena family is considered the "rising star" of the family. This plant produces deep, glossy-green leaves with a central bright yellow band. You may see it grown as a tip or as a cut-back.
LIGHT: This plant will do well in medium to low light locations and will even maintain the yellow coloring in these conditions. Light shade is best for these plants. Ideal locations are near an east or west window.
TEMPERATURE: Generally speaking, plants in the Dracaena family require average household temperatures with a minimum of 55° at night in the winter.
WATER: Watering appropriately is essential to healthy dracaenas. Keep the soil moist at all times. Water less in the winter but do not allow it to totally dry out. Mist often to keep the humidity high
This specialty plant is occasionally available in 6" or 8"
Plants in the Dracaena group are some of the easiest plants to grow. They come in several colors and variegations. Most display a rosette of long, strap-like leaves. Well-known varieties are warneckii, marginata, sanderiana, Song of India, godseffiana, fragrans, 'Rikki' and massangeana.
TEMPERATURE: Generally speaking, plants in this group require average household temperatures with a minimum of 55° at night in the winter.
LIGHT: Light shade is best for most plants. Ideal locations are an east or west window.
WATER: Watering appropriately is essential to healthy dracaenas. Keep the soil moist at all times. Water less in the winter but do not allow it to totally dry out. Mist often to keep the humidity high.
Depending on variety, some of these plants are available in 3", 6", 8" and 10" pots.
EASTER CACTUS - Rhipsalidopsis
Easter Cacti, while resembling Christmas Cacti, are somewhat different in appearance and nature. The foliage is more gently rounded and of course Easter Cactus blooms in late March and early April.
The pretty flowers are daisy-like and last for several weeks, opening each morning after sunrise and closing each evening. They bloom in conjunction with the length of daylight so it is possible that they may bloom again in the fall when the length of daylight closely matches that of springtime.
LIGHT / TEMPERATURE: Easter Cactus enjoy light shade and warmer temperatures (60-70 degrees is ideal). If the foliage starts to take on a purplish color, the plant may be getting too much sun. From September on, keep them in a cool spot (40-50 degrees) until new buds appear.
WATER: The soil should remain moderately moist, but as the buds begin to set allow the plant to become slightly dry, and be careful not to alter the natural length of light. This can be done by avoiding exposure to artificial light if possible during this time.
Propagation may be done by stem joints or tip cuttings using a standard potting mix.
These seasonal plants are available in 4" and 6" pots and sometimes in 8" hanging baskets.
FATSIA Japonica - Japanese Aralia
A hardy plant the Fatsia is a durable specimen tolerating a wide range of conditions. Fatsia has large shiny leaves up to one foot across. They are rich green in color and deeply lobed, similar to a large maple leaf.
WATER: Water thoroughly when soil is dry to touch. Do not allow plant to stand in water. Overwatering will cause leaves to yellow and drop. They like high humidity with good air circulation.
LIGHT: Fatsia plants like a somewhat shady area. If new growth is long and leggy then the plant needs more light. Cut back the growing tips to keep the plant bushy.
The Fatsia is an extremely durable plant. If the leaves become shriveled and brittle the cause is too much heat, too much sun or the air is too dry.
Given the right conditions a Fatsia will grow quickly. Repot in the spring. Cut back the growing tips each spring to keep your plant bushy.
These are a specialty plant and occasionally found in 6" pots.
Felt Plant - Fiddle Felt Bush
This member of the Kalanchoe family is a little strange-looking. The medium green leaves are velvety to the touch and have a fine covering of brown hairs. The leaves are deeply lobed and arrange themselves in pairs of 2 along a stout trunk. Newer leaves often have a lighter color. The Felt plant originates in southern Madagascar.
LIGHT: This plant prefers full sun to partial shade. This translates to a bright east or west window indoors or outdoors in partial shade.
TEMPERATURE: Keep this plant on the warm side. It prefers temperatures in the 65° - 75° but can stand extremes of 55° - 100°.
WATER: Do not over water. Give the plant a moderate watering and allow the soil to become dry to the touch before watering again. Feed monthly with a balanced liquid plant food.
This specialty plant is occasionally available in 6-inch pots
Fittonia bears leaves 1 - 3 inches long with a pattern of net-like veins ranging in color from white, pink or red.
They can be difficult to grow under ordinary room conditions although they are a great plant for a bottle garden or terrarium.If you can maintain adequate humidity via grouping yoru plants, using humidity trays or terrarium gardening, it is possible to grow a beautiful Fittonia Plant. ,
WATER: Humidity is vital to the plants' survival. Soil must be kept moist and leaves must be misted frequently. Fittonia, likes to be kept warm, with a minimum temperature no less than 60 degrees.
LIGHT: They will not tolerate direct sunlight and do best in a partially shaded spot.
TEMPERATURE: Cold and wet condition will cause sudden death. Too much water may also cause yellow, wilty leaves. Warmth and humidity are the key to success
These plants are readily available in 3", sometimes in 4" or 5" pots and occasionally in 8" hanging baskets
CARMONA- aka Fukien Tea
Often grown in bonsai form, it is no surprise that Fukien Tea originates in Taiwan, South China and Southeast Asia. This evergreen plant has glossy, dark green foliage and bears tiny white flowers that may develop green berries that turn from yellow to red. The smaller leafed varieties are most suitable for bonsai.
LIGHT: This plant needs good light to thrive. This should be moderately bright.
WATER: In bonsai form, give plenty of water as the soil begins to dry.
TEMPERATURE: Maintain temperatures in the 60 ° to 80° range. Feed regularly.
Prune to desired shape when the new leaves become as green as the older leaves.
Carmona are often available as bonsai and seasonally in larger forms.
Ginger is native to the warm, moist forests of tropical Asia. The best commercial edible ginger is grown in Jamaica. Ginger is fairly easy to grow from tubers purchased at local grocery markets. Pot the fresh ginger tuber in a peat and potting soil mix. Watch for new growths of reedy shoots. This makes for a beautiful houseplant with an oriental, tropical appearance. And, when you need fresh ginger, just poke into the soil (once you have a mature plant) and slice off a chunk. A mature plant in a 10" pot can grow to 6 feet or more and will eventually bear clusters of creamy white, fragrant flowers.
LIGHT: Give your ginger partial shade similar to the dappled light it would receive in its native Asian forest. If you want to really boost growth, find a shady spot outdoors in the summer and it will really take off.
WATER: Keep the soil moist. In the summer, if your plant is in full growth, you may need to water daily.
TEMPERATURE: Normal summertime temperatures are what this plant likes. If grown outdoors, bring in before any danger of frost.
AVAILABILITY: Ginger is rarely available in 10" pots
Glauca - Cordyline - Global Ti
Often referred to as the Green Ti Plant,Glauca re related to the cordyline. They do not require a lot of water and are quite hardy. You will find them grown as a bush whichis rarely over four feet tall.
Besides being attractive, this plant is considered quite easy to grow. It is somewhat dry tolerant and is hardy enough for even the newest plant lover.
LIGHT: Glauca does well in fairly bright, indirect light and will tolerate lower light conditions for extended periods of time. Avoid direct sunlight.
TEMPERATURE: Average household temperatures are perfect. Humidity levels are not critical.
WATER:Glauca plants love to be allowed to dry down to about an inch or two below the soil surface. Then give them a thorough watering and allow to dry again before the next watering.
NOTES: Watch out for mealy bugs. They are white, cottony little insects that will show up clearly on the underside of the leaves, especially if the plnt has been neglected. Inspect regularly and keep the plant healthy to prevent any outbreaks.
Homalomenas are a recent plant introduction which should be loved by homeowners and interiorscapers alike. These members of the Aracae family are easy to care fore, disease resistant, and tolerant of stress and low light conditions. The leaves and stems range in color from deep greens to coppers, burgundies, and reds. Semi-heart or heart-shaped leaves which shine as though waxed are common to this variety.
In nature, these plants are found in the tropical and humid climates of Columbia, Costa Rica, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Malaysia and the Philippines.
LIGHT: Like their relatives, the Philodendron, these plants enjoy medium to low light conditions. They maintain their best appearance, however, in medium light intensities. Too much light will cause burn spots of the leaves.
TEMPERATURE: Provide optimun temperaturwes between 60-90°. These plants will, however, survive temperatures as low as 40° without damage.
WATER: Homalomenas do not like to be dry. When watering, saturate the soil. Good drainage is important so make sure the plant is not sitting in water. Fertilize regularly with a liquid plant food at the recommended strength.
This is a specialty plant that is occasionally available in 6" pots.
Jatropha podagrica-Buddha Belly
Jatropha is one of the coolest plants that we carry and it is so easy to grow, even a caveman can do it. :) It gets its common name from its swollen, belly-like trunk. It bears above it's crown of large, waxy, lobed leaves, a cluster of vivid orange flowers. These flowers are a delicacy for butterflies and will eventually bear olive-shaped green, non-edible seed pods that, when mature, will literally explode, launching their seeds several feet away. It loses its leaves over winter, but may flower year round.
Jatropha is a member of the Euphorbia family and comes to us from Guatamala, Honduras and Nicaragua. It grows to between 2 and 3 feet tall.
LIGHT: This plant prefers full sun to partial shade. A bright east, west or south window would be fine as long as it provides a few hours of direct sunlight per day.
WATER: Treat this plant like a succulent. Let the plant become dry before watering. Moisten the soil lightly and let it dry again before the next watering.
TEMPERATURE: Like most euphorbias, Jatropha likes tropical temperatures in the 70's and 80's with a minimum winter temperature of 50°.
The Kentia palm is an elegant and graceful palm and especially desirable as a houseplant. It is the most expensive palm to grow due to the length of time it takes to produce a salable plant. A Kentia in a 10" pot is at least 8 years old.
Average size of a Kentia Palm is 4 - 6 feet but it will occasionally grow up to 15 feet. The Kentia is the easiest palm to grow. Kentia palms have large, tough, leathery fronds and very large strong roots. They will grow only 4 or 5 new fronds each year. A healthy Kentia rarely has more than 10 good fronds at a time.
LIGHT: It will tolerate a very low light and it resists pests.
WATER: Water thoroughly only when dry. Give it enough water so that the water runs all the way through the plant and into the tray. After a half an hour dump the excess water out of the tray. See Palms for more tips.
This specimen plant is most often available in 10" or larger pot sizes. Be advised that it is VERY expensive.
LAKEVIEW JASMINE -Jasminum Murraya Paniculata
The Lakeview Jasmine, with its vibrant dark green foliage and small, white fragrant blooms will generally bloom from spring to fall and may require a pruning after flowering.
LIGHT: It is a great plant for medium to high light interiors or in partially shady locations outdoors.
WATER: Provide a fairly generous amount of water during the growing season and allow for good drainage. Lakeview Jasmine benefit from being fed weekly with a mild fertilizer. This plant enjoys high humidity, so frequent misting during the winter months is excellent.
TEMPERATURE: Keep night time temperatures moderate (50-60°) and a bit cooler during the winter season.
This plant is readily available in 3" and sometime in 4" and 6" pots. Seasonally, they may also be available in blooming-size 10" pots as bushes or trees.
Similar to the Calathea the Marantas are grown for their spectacular foliage. Their leaves are generally oval and 4 - 6 inches with a purple underside. The tops have a variety of veining and splotches ranging from white to red to almost black. Many florists use this leaf in their design work because of its color. there are also green varieties that have near-black splotches.
LIGHT: Marantas like semi-shade as too much sun will fade the color. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn. In the winter they will need more light but still avoid direct sunlight.
WATER: Keep soil moist at all times but not saturated. Marantas like high humidity and benefit from misting.
TEMPERATURE: Provide good air circulation but avoid cold drafts. Marantas are a low growing plant and do well in a hanging basket.
Propagation can be done by dividing plants.
If the leaf edges are brown, dry and or curled under the plant needs more water or humidity.
If leaves are discolored or limp your plant is getting too much sunlight or too much water. Correct problem right away as this could be fatal to your plant.
Plants of these varieties are readily available in 3" pots. They are also occasionally available in 6" or 8" hanging baskets
A favorite, the Marginata has long, thin leaves up to 2 feet long. They come in a variety of colors. Green is the most common. It has a green center and the edges are a maroonish color. Tricolor has a green and white striped center with red edges and the Colorama has a small green and white center and a wide red band at the edge of the leaf. They all grow on upright, snakelike stems which can grow 8 to 10 feet tall.
LIGHT: Marginatas will do well in a semi shady area, which makes them popular for home or office.
WATER: They must be kept moist at all times, but do not allow them to stand in water. If allowed to dry out you will notice brown spots on the leaves or brown tips and yellow leaves. They like to have high humidity so misting is recommended. You can reduce the amount of water during the winter months but do not allow the soil to dry down.
You can propagate by cuttings from the cane.
Marginatas are readily available in 3", 6" and 8" pots. In cane form or as cutbacks, they are available in 8", 10" or larger pots
MING ARALIA - Polyscias fruticosa
This beautiful oriental-looking plant has its origins in Polynesia. It is fairly easy to grow. Medium-green, lacey leaves grow from a cane. The plant grows as a shrub and may reach 5 feet tall.
LIGHT: This beautiful plant thrives in medium to bright light. Place in a location where it gets bright, indirect sunlight in a northern, eastern or western window.
TEMPERATURE: Provide temperatures in the 60° - 85° range and humidity between 40 and 60%. Mist with warm water and keep warm in the winter.
WATER: Keep the soil evenly moist. Do not let the soil become soggy as this will result in loss of leaves and decline of the plant. Use lukewarm water. Feed every two weeks with a water soluable fertilizer.
Inspect plants often for aphids, scale or spider mites. Isolate new plants before placing in groups with other plants.
This specialty plant is occasionally available in 4", 6", 8" and 10" pots.
Pileas are a member of the nettle family.
Grown for the beauty of its leaves, which have a puckery texture and a golden cast,Moon Valley is not considered a long lasting plant as it tends to get long and leggy. Stem cuttings root easily in the spring and summer so we suggest starting fresh each spring rather than keep an old plant going.
LIGHT: Moon Valley likes filtered light to semi-shade while avoiding direct sunlight as this may sunburn the sensitive leaves.
WATER: Water when soil is slightly dry using tepid water. Be careful not to allow plant to stand in water. Misting is beneficial providing you have good air circulation.
These plants are occasionally available in 3" pots.
Often referred to as the Parlor Palm, the Neanthe Bella Palm is one of the better palms for use indoors. It loves lower light conditions and manages to survive a missed watering if not left too long.
Its only downside is its susceptibility to spider mites. The solution to this is prevention. Keep the plant happy and it will be less likely to get these pests. Check the undersides of the leaves often to catch a tiny invasion early.
This beautiful and easily acquired plant has smaller fronds than most palms and lots more of them. These lacy fronds grow to make a dense plant that will acclimate to most areas of the home or office environment. Interiorscapers love them for single plants or multiple plant groupings.
LIGHT: Neanthe Bellas like full shade to bright, indirect light and must be kept out of direct sunlight.
TEMPERATURES: Average household temperatures are perfect for the Neanthe Bella palm. Keep away from drafty heater vents to avoid brown leaf tips and overly drying out of the plant.
WATER: Water thoroughly then let dry down to about an inch or so from the top of the soil. Use a good soil that provides excellent drainage. Do not over-water or you will damage the roots. The Neanthe Bella likes moist air so misting is beneficial providing that you provide good air circulation.
NEPHTHYTIS - Syngonium podophyllum- Arrow Head
Nephthytisare colorful plants are closely related to the Philodendron family and therefore, require very similar growing conditions. The arrow-shaped leaves may range in color from near-white to shades of green to bronze and even pink. You may find them growing on fiber or wood totem poles, in tubs or in hanging baskets.
TEMPERATURE: Nepthytis like average warmth with a minimum of 60° in the winter.
LIGHT: They prefer a well-lit location with no direct sun for the varigated varieties and a more shaded location for the green varieties.
WATER: They thrive in a moist soil that is not soggy. Keep it moist and avoid overwatering. Keep humidity levels higher with frequent misting.
For older, leggy plants, take stem cuttings with air roots attached and repot in fresh soil in the spring or summer. Rooting hormone helps establish new, healthy roots.
These plants are readily available in 3", 6" and often in 8" hanging baskets.
An easy care vining plant, Oak Ivy has leaves that are made up of 3 leaflets - silvery green when they are young and turning dark, shiny green when they are mature. They have tendrils that enable them to adhere to a stick or trellis.
TEMPERATURE: These Ivy will tolerate temperatures from 50 - 80 degrees.
LIGHT: Keep them in a bright well ventilated area and be sure to avoid direct sunlight.
WATER: Water thoroughly when dry to touch. Reduce water during the winter. Feed regularly with a liquid fertilizer. Oak Ivy like humidity but only if you have good ventilation.
These plants are usually available in 3", 4", 6" and in 8" hanging baskets.
Rhipsalis- Oriental Pencil Cactus
Here's another oddball for you! Rhipsalis is sometimes known as Drunkard's Dream. It is closely related to Pencil Cactus. This funny-looking plant has no "leaves". Instead, it has gracefully pendant green stems about the thickness of angelhair pasta. In the fall of the year, it looks spectacular dropped in the top of a hollowed out pumpkin. Can't you just imagine this green fright-wig on your grinning jack-o-lantern?
LIGHT: Rhipsalis likes bright light, even dappled sunlight. Place it in a bright window with some shade. It will thrive in an east-facing window.
TEMPERATURE: Ordinary household temperatures between 55-70° are ideal.
WATER: Water when the soil feels dry. Water less in cooler temperatures. Don't waterlog the plant.
This plant is most often found in either 6" or 8" hanging baskets a few times per year.
The Spathiphyllum is a good choice for a somewhat darker room. They grow from 1 foot tall to 6 feet tall depending on the variety. They have long dark green, shiny leaves that grow from the soil. They are often called Peace Lily. This is in reference to their white blooms. In the right conditions Spath will bloom about twice a year.
TEMPERATURE: Spathiphyllum prefer average temperatures but no less than 55 degrees in the winter. Avoid hot drafts as this pulls moisture from the leaves faster than the roots can replace it.
WATER: Water as needed. In a brighter area these plants will use more water. You must be careful not to over water. When the soil becomes totally dry the leaves will collapse over the edge of the pot. When you water a collapsed plant its leaves will stand up again within 6 - 12 hours after you've watered. This is when most people kill the plant by over watering multiple times. Brown leaf tips mean slightly dry roots. Increase water a bit each time you water.
LIGHT: This is one of the best plants for a low light setting. This plant prefers medium to low light.
Spathiphyllum like to be rootbound. The more rootbound they are the more blossoms they will have. They can be divided every 2 - 3 years. This is preferable to repotting them when they become large because they have a tendency to become extremely bushy.
These plants are readily available in 3", 4", 6", 8" and 10" pot sizes.
The Peperomia plant is a great choice to brighten up any room or office. There are hundreds of varietes native to the tropical areas of North and South America and the Caribbean. These husky plants are considered to be almost succulents due to their thick, succulent stems and leaves that hold a lot of moisture. These are easy plants to grow and as long as you do not overwater them, they will do fine.
They come in many varieties of green or variegated and smooth or rippled leaves. Almost all produce small, non-descript, rattail-like flowers.
There are three growth habits of Peperomias: Bushy, Upright or Trailing. One of our favorite trailing varieties for novice plant growers is the Helicopter Peperomia. This variety is very durable and forgiving if you forget to water now and then.
LIGHT: Peperomia like bright filtered light or a semi shady spot, avoiding direct sunlight. If you have fluorescent lighting, this will be fine.
WATER: Water carefully allowing the soil to dry out somewhat before watering. Do not over water. This is practically the only way to kill peperomias. Provide good drainage and never allow the plant to sit in water. Use tepid water and reduce watering during the winter months.
Feed regularly in spring and summer, less in the fall and very little in the winter.
Mist leaves occasionally during the summer but never during the winter.
Most bushy and upright varieties are readily available in 3" pots. Helicopter Peps are often available in 8" hanging baskets. Other varieties may occasionally be available in 4", or 6" pot sizes as well.
Phalaenopsis Orchidaka Moth Orchid
Several surveys have shown that Phalaenopsis orchids have become America's favorite orchid. No other orchid is as well-suited to home growing or is as rewarding. Plants with long-lasting sprays of lovely moth-like blooms in a broad array of colors are inexpensive and widely available. Simply provide modest light and consistent moisture and they will delight you with their ease of culture.
Phalaenopsis orchids are epiphytic plants of sub-tropical and tropical origin. These plants have extremely long lasting flowers. Individual flowers can last up to 4 months. The colors range from white to pink, purple, yellow and combinations of all. You may find solid colors, stripes, spots or both. In recent years this plant has become in high demand due to its ease of care and long lasting flowers.
LIGHT: This is a shade loving plant. It is an excellent companion plant to African Violets and many home gardeners have them growing side by side under grow lights. An eastern window is excellent. It will appreciate an hour or so of morning sun.
WATER: Since these plants grow on the bark of trees in their native habitat, it is essential that they be watered carefully. Water only when the bark media has become almost dry, but not bone dry. Plants in clay pots will need to be watered more often as these dry out faster.
TEMPERATURE: Phals are warm-loving plants. When not in bloom, they do well in day/night temperatures between 75° - 90°F. If the plant is big enough and healthy enough to bloom, a 2-week chill at 55-60°F at night will help to initiate a spike.
POTTING MIX: Several types of potting media are used but what works best for the average home grower is a bark mixture consisting of fir bark, peat, perlite and charcoal. Repotting is done in the spring when the growth season begins. Use the smallest size pot that will accommodate the roots. Trim off any dead or mushy roots before repotting.
This is a specialty plant that is becoming available more often and especially around certain holidays. We carry them in 4" and 6" pot sizes.
Native to the Rain Forests of South America, Philodendrons are ideal indoor plants. There are two types of Philodendrons: those that spread and those that climb. Phillys come in numerous leaf shapes, sizes and colors. If you are looking for an easy care plant thateasily adapts to household conditions, this is the plant for you.
The most common climber has sweetheart-shaped, green leaves and is mostly seen in hanging baskets or climbing on poles. Some of the more common spreading Philodendrons include Red Emerald, Hope Selloum and many other hybrids. Some unique forms include Swiss Cheese and the glistening Scindapsis.
LIGHT: Philodendrons like shade and must be kept out of direct sunlight. Variegated varieties need a little brighter light than the green varieties.
WATER: Water thoroughly during the summer and keep barely moist during the winter. Provide good drainage. Philodendrons like moist air so misting is beneficial as long as you provide good air circulation.
PHILODENDRON Squamiferum- Fiddle Leaf Philly
This member of the Philodendron family is a little strange-looking. The medium green leaves are shaped like a moose-head and the stems are red and fuzzy. The leaves originate from a slow-growing trunk.
LIGHT: This plant prefers medium to bright indirect light. This translates to a bright east or west window indoors or outdoors in partial shade.
TEMPERATURE: Keep this plant on the warm side. It prefers temperatures in the 65° - 75° but can stand extremes of 55° - 100°. This plant will go dormant if allowed to get too cold.
WATER: Do not over water. Give the plant a good drenching and allow the soil to become dry to the touch before watering again. Feed monthly with a balanced liquid plant food.
This specialty plant is very seldom available in 8" hanging baskets.
Nepenthes coccinea aka Pitcher Plant
Nepenthes is a carnivorous plant that is native to the Philippines, Northern Australia, the Malay Peninsula and Ceylon. Their natural habitat is hot and humid. The plant has long, leathery leaves with a stiff midvein that extends into a pitcher-like pouch. A the bottom of these pitchers is a substance that attracts insects and eventually digests them once they become mired in it They are a slow grower and may not grow pitchers if they are not in their preferred conditions. They are fascinating plants and well worth the special care a meat-eating plant needs. :)
LIGHT: Nepenthes thrive in shady locations amongst other plants. In the home, this would be a short distance from any bright window as long as it is protected from intense, direct sun.
TEMPERATURE: Provide plenty of warmth for this exotic plant. Summertime temperatures can range between 70-85° and between 70-75° in the winter.
WATER: Water and mist often with very pure water. Nepenthes and other carnivorous plants are not heavy feeders as they have devised other ways of feeding themselves. Hi humidity is essential to a happy, healthy and attractive plant.
OTHER: Don't bother to keep water in the pitchers. The plant will supply that for itself.
The beautiful rabbit's foot fern is very adaptable to home culture. The lacy green foliage makes a spectacular display whether cascading down from a hanging basket or standing erect in a smaller free-standing pot.
A very interesting feature of this plant is the furry creeping rhizomes from which the plant takes its name. These rhizomes will creep on top of the soil and down around the pot sprouting new fronds here and there making this fern quite unique.
LIGHT: This plant is quite hardy and will tolerate both light or shade but prefers filtered sun in the summer and full sun in the winter.
WATER: Keep the soil moist but not soggy. They may be allowed to dry down but never to dry out completely.
TEMPERATURE: Moderate to higher humidity (50%) and normal home temperatures (70-80 degrees daytime, 55-60 degrees night time) are perfect.
Fertilize at one-half strength with water soluble house plant fertilizer during the spring and summer.
The rabbit foot fern is relatively slow-growing and needs repotting only every few years.
These are often available in 4" and 6" pots and 6" or 8" hanging baskets. At certain times of the year, you may also find them in hanging wooden crates.
RAPHIS excelsa - Lady Palm
The Lady Palm is one of the more expensive tropical plants and it takes many years to reach a 6-foot height, but the wait and expense is well worth it. The elegant, dark green fronds with the serrated tips are born on wirey stems that emerge from a scruffy trunk that looks like it is partially wrapped in loose burlap. Raphis palms will also sprout new growth from its thickened, underground roots.
TEMPERATURE: This plant will grow in almost any temperature above 55° and below 95°.
WATER: This is one of the easiest plants to care for. Water when top of soil feels dry. Do not allow to completely dry out as this will cause the plant to fail.
LIGHT: This plant does well in low light situations. Place in a fairly well-lit location. Any location indoors with light bright enough to read in will do.
The most common pot sizes for the Raphis Palm are 8", 10" and larger. Occasionally they are also availablein 6" pots.
Rhododendrons are colorful springtime blooming plants that start their riot of color right around Easter or mid to late spring of the year. It is an outdoor hardy plant which can be planted out after it is done blooming, in a protected location, preferably after the last frost.
LIGHT: This variety likes partial shade. This means it can handle some sun, especially morning sun. If you have it indoors, provide a place near an east or west window, or near a south window with a sheer curtain.
TEMPERATURES: While the plant is in active bloom, keep it on the cool side to keep the flowers longer. When planting outdoors, plant in a sheltered location. It can withstand winter temperatures to -25°F, but to be on the safe side, mulch heavily and plant where it doesn't get full northerly winds.
WATER: Rhododendrons like to be kept moist, but not soggy. They don't tolerate being dried out completely so check often to make sure they stay moist.
OUTDOOR PLANTING: This plant likes to be planted in well-drained, acid soil. Dig the hole twice the size of the root ball. Remove container, loosen soil around roots to stimulate growth. Set top of root ball 2" above ground level. Backfill to top of ball using soil and 50% coarse peat moss mixed in. Firm the soil in and soak with water. Add 2" - 4" of mulch.
FERTILIZE: Feed every 2-3 weeks with food designed for rhododendrons according to directions.
AVAILABILITY: Rhododendrons are available in 7" pots in the spring of the year, usually around Easter.
SANSEVIERIA - Mother-in-Laws Tongue/Snake Plant
Sansevieria is the plant to choose when all else fails. Also known as Mother-in-law-Tongue or Snake Plant, it has fleshy, sword-like leaves with gold edges or other variegation. Under excellent conditions, you may be favored with blooms. The flowers are tiny and numerous and are borne on a single or branched raceme. Some of the shorter, stouter varieties are often lumped together and referred to as birdsnest sansevieria.
TEMPERATURE: Sansevieria likes average temperatures but no less than 50 degrees in the winter.
WATER: Water moderately between spring and fall. Allow soil to dry down between waterings. It can miss a watering or two with no damage done to the plant. In the winter water only every one to two months. Over-watering is about the only thing that will kill your Sanseveria.
LIGHT: Sansevieria will grow in sunlight or shade but they prefer a bright location and prefer a little sunlight.
Repotting is seldom needed. When it cracks out of its current pot, then it's time to replant.
To propagate, cut off a piece at the base, allow to dry before putting directly into soil. Another option is to divide up the plant.
These plants are often available in 3", 6", 8" and 10" pot sizes. Plants with * are available in 6" pots
SELAGINELLA - Irish Club Moss
This low-growing moss, with its lush, bright green, lacey-leafed foliage is a must for the lover of "different" plants. It can be a little finicky if proper humidity is not provided for, but otherwise it is fairly easy to grow. Also, this is a plant you can't help but "pet".
WATER: Due to the high humidity requirement, this plant will do well in bottle or terrarium containers. Outside of that provide for higher humidity and keep the soil moist at all times. Water with rainwater or distilled water, feeding occasionally with balanced fertilizer. Frequent misting is appreciated.
TEMPERATURE: Average household temperatures are ideal, with a minimum of 55°.
LIGHT: This plant does well in a semi-shaded location. Avoid strong, hot sun. An east, west or shaded south window will suffice.
This is a seasonal plant with somewhat limited availability. They are most often grown in shallow 6" clay dishes.
SNOWFLAKE ARALIA - Trevesia palmata
This beautiful oriental-looking plant has its origins in India and China. It can be tricky to grow outside of a greenhouse. The plant grows as a tree and may reach 5+ feet tall.
LIGHT: This beautiful plant thrives in medium to bright light. Place in a location where it gets bright, indirect sunlight in a northern, eastern or western window.
TEMPERATURE: Provide temperatures in the 60° - 85° range and high humidity of 60% or higher. Mist with warm water and keep warm in the winter.
WATER: Keep the soil evenly moist. Do not let the soil become soggy as this will result in loss of leaves and decline of the plant. Use lukewarm water. Feed every two weeks with a water soluable fertilizer.
Inspect plants often for mealy bug, scale or spider mites. Isolate new plants before placing in groups with other plants.
This specialty plant is very rarely available in 4", 6", 8" and 10" pots.
A favorite specimen plant - The Split Leaf is easy to grow and has no special care requirements. It produces giant leaves up to 1-1/2 feet across or more. In young, immature plants new leaves are undivided (not split); however, as the plant grows and matures, new leaves are larger and more "split". Large, adult plants need to have a sturdy support. A wood stake is ideal.
LIGHT: Split Leaf Philodendrons like moderate light to light shade. Avoid direct sunlight.
WATER: When soil is dry, water thoroughly but do not let your plant stand in water. During the winter keep soil barely moist and provide good air circulation. This plant will benefit from occassional misting when room is heated.
Tacca chantrieri AKA Bat Plant
Tacca Chantrieri, often known as the Bat Plant,is an exotic plant with a curious appearance when it blooms. The plant itself, has leaves reminescent of the Peace Lily (spathiphyllum). The flowers come at the top of long spikes in clusters consisting of several greenish to near black flowers and numerous lightly colored whiskers, all emanating from a central hub. The "Bat" look comes from the two darkly-colored, bract-like leaves just below the flower.
This species is slow growing. A plant in a 10-inch pot is at least 4 years old. This accounts for the higher prices these plants command.
Tacca is hardy outdoors in zones 9-12. They can be grown indoors using the following care instructions.
LIGHT: This plant loves low to medium light, similar to the spathiphyllum. Avoid direct sunlight as it will scald the thin leaves.
TEMPERATURE: This is a tropical plant and prefers warmer temperatures. In winter, keep the plant between 60-65° F. In the summer, it prefers temperatures in the 75-85° F range. Avoid drafts or moving air as this will cause the edges of the leaves to brown.
WATER: Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water and use this to keep evenly moist during the summer growing season. Allow to dry down a bit more during the winter resting period. Never mist in low humidity settings as the misting actually opens the plant pores, which causes the leaves to transpire out more moisture than the misting supplied, eventually resulting in a dead plant. Instead, elevate the humidity by using a humidifier, grouping plants, or using humidity trays. Use a makeshift greenhouse in the winter to keep the humidity around the plant and to keep the air still.
FEEDING: Use a balanced fertilizer that contains macro and micro nutrients at 1/4 rate weekly. If it says a teaspoon per gallon once a month, feed at 1/4 tsp per gallon every week.
REPOTTING: Repot only in the spring when growth is active. Use a quality, non-peat-based soil. Add a tablespoon of bone meal per gallon of soil and mix well before adding to the pot. Avoid tamping the soil too much. Water to get the soil to settle around the roots and don't forget to let it drain away. (Use a well draining pot).
NOTES: Remember, no drafty locations, and do not mist this plant. Taccas benefit from a multi-vitamin such as Superthrive. Use as directed for houseplants.
PALM- Neodypsis decaryl
This palm is a survivor! It has a triangle-shaped stem which is an attractive dark red color. The fine, delicately shaped leaves are very attractive. This plant is also extremely resistant to spider mites and other insects and it also does well in dry conditions. It's leathery leaves are hard to damage.
LIGHT: Provide medium light. This is comparable to the light needed by the Kentia palm which is considered one of the lesser-light palms. East or west light is ideal.
WATER: Water when the soil begins to dry. Avoid overwatering. This plant can withstand drought. Feed monthly with a water soluable plant food.
This is a new variety. It is just coming into production and may be available in 8" or 10" pots.
This oddity of nature is the stuff of horror movies. Venus Fly Trap is one of many carnivorous plants -- plants that eat insects to provide thier nitrients. This plant has a rosette of hinged, heart-shaped leaves with teeth-like fringes that, when touched, close up. Inside there is a sticky substance that lures insects in where they are digested once the leaves have closed around them.
TEMPERATURE/WATER: Warmth and humidity are key to growing healthy carnivorous plants. Water with rainwater or distilled water. Some growers have better success growing them in a closed container such as an aquarium. This helps keep the humidity high. Very little fertilizer is necessary.
LIGHT: Provide moderate light, with no exposure to sun.
Carnivorous plants are specialty plants with limited availability. Venus Fly Traps are often available in 4" covered pots.
MORE INFO: How does the Fly Trap digest flies?
The Venus Fly Trap does not depend on insects for its main source of energy. Instead it mines insects for essential nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous in particular) that are in short supply in its boggy, acidic habitat.
How does it do it? It lures insects to its trap-like jaws with sweet-smelling nectar. There are 3-6 trigger hairs on each leaf. If those hairs are touched, the trap shuts. Once the trap closes, digestive glands secrete enzymes that dissolve soft parts, kill bacteria and fungi, and break down the insect into the necessary nutrients. These nutrients are then absorbed into the leaf. After 5-12 days, the trap reopens to release the leftover exoskeleton.
After 3-5 meals, the trap will no longer capture prey, but continues to photosynthesize for another 2-3 months before dropping off the plant. (If tripped by finger or twig, the trap will reopen in a day or so.)
Plant owners should be cautioned not to over-stimulate a Fly Trap. After some 10 unsuccessful trap closures, the leaf will cease to respond to touch and will only be able to photosynthesize.
WARNECKII - Dracena Deremensis
A member of the Dracena family, the Warneckii is a slow growing plant that may reach 4 feet or more when mature. Warneckiis have very long, tough leaves that are green with white bands running along the edge. Newer varieties include Compacta and Lemon Lime.
This is a very popular plant because of its easy care. They make a good choice for home or office.
WATER: Warneckii likes to have the soil kept moist (but not wet) at all times. If your leaves develop black spots your plant may not be getting enough water. Occasional misting is beneficial.
LIGHT: Light shade or indirect light are the best choices for this plant although they will tolerate full shade.
TEMPERATURE: They like average temperatures of 55 - 65 degrees and higher humidity.
One problem with these plants is getting brown tips and yellow edges on the leaves. The cause of this may be that the plant isn't getting enough humidity. Warneckii likes high humidity. Under watering and being too cold can have similar effects on this plant.
These plants are often available in 6" and 8" pots.
This easy care plant has its origins in Zanzibar and Tanzania. It has a prehistoric look similar to the cycads however it is really in the Calla and Philodendron family. It has a succulent-like stem from which grow oval, waxy, glossy leaves. It's best attributes include low maintenance, tolerance to neglect, slow grower, tolerance for low-light locations, and resistance to pests and attractive appearance. It is a low grower, reaching 20-30 inches. Although it is more expensive than other everyday houseplants, it's ease of care and longevity more than make up for the price.
LIGHT: This exotic plant prefers light shade to shade. Any location where there is no direct sunlight is ideal. Over time it will adapt to bright, indirect light, but avoid intense direct sunlight.
TEMPERATURE: Provide average household temperatures with a minimum of 50° in the winter.
WATER: Water thoroughly when soil begins to dry. Allow soil to dry more during the winter. If you feel around in the soil, you will find nodules that store water. This storage capacity allows the plant to go for longer periods without water.
Propagation is by division or by rooting fallen leaves.
This specialty plant is often available in 6" pots. Occasionally it is also available in 8" or 10" pots.