Posts tagged as:

Common Questions

What is the difference between zonal geranium and a seed geranium?

28 June 2010

Zonal geraniums are propogated (reproduced) by taking cuttings. They are generally newer colors and varieties than their seed cousins. Seed geraniums are grown from seed.

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Can my annual survive inside during the winter?

28 June 2010

Over-wintering annuals depends on your lighting conditions and on the type of plant. Many people have success wintering geraniums in the house. Hibiscus, Ivy plants and many varieties of succulents do well in doors, as well. Some gardeners have even found success with Begonias. Plants like petunias, however, require more natural light per day that […]

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Common Questions: How do I send flowers out of town?

12 April 2010

Another in our ongoing series of questions we have recieved via email, over the phone at the Lowe’s Floral Hotline (701)839-2000, or in person at our store is about sending flowers out of town. Of course we deliver fresh flowers to Minot, Surrey, Burlington, Minot Air Force Base (MAFB), Sawyer and Velva, but we can […]

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Common Question: How do I keep a houseplant small/cute?

30 March 2010

This is the first post of what I am hoping to make into a series of posts on the Common Questions we get at Lowe’s every year. Some of them will be of seasonal interest, others will be general knowledge. I hope you find some of them useful and other ones interesting. In the years […]

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